Playgrounds and Child Development – Why is it Crucial 

Children involved in outdoor activities show more development than those brought up in a very tight-knit household, as it affects the child’s social abilities and hampers their immunity, mental health, and stamina. 

Inspire Play commercial playgrounds have been effective in building a safe and playful environment for children. It creates an abundant environment for your child with outdoor classrooms, aquatic water play, buddy benches, and more. Additionally, it engages the child in some of the other activities, keeping their mind occupied.

With that being said, let us go through some in-depth points over why playgrounds play a crucial role in a child’s development. 

Social Abilities

Playgrounds put children of different age groups in the same place. Here, they are forced to get out of their comfort zone and interact with their peers. In this setting, children learn the art of listening carefully, and if it is teamwork where they have to guide each other to win the task, the child also learns coordination and, more importantly, patience.

These social skills help them in the long run, and if by any chance a child struggles to bond with their peers, it might be a concern for social anxiety. Shy kids can interact with different kids and wave goodbye to their fears and social anxieties. Hence, a playground opens many primary doors to a child’s wellbeing.

Emotional Quotient

Naturally, the child experience series of emotions – be it that boosts confidence when they take a higher swing than the previous round or the jolt of nervousness when they have to slide down the slide for the first time. 

It could be their own consoling hands to brush off the tears when they scrape their knee, or maybe that warm smile towards the outstretched hand asking them just to shake it off! However, the one emotion that surely beats everyone is the sense of belongingness that they feel in this group of strangers – where everybody is carving their tiny place.

Playgrounds provide children with immense freedom to express themselves which builds a character. Once a child feels comfortable in their skin, they develop likes and dislikes, and even random behavior that is solely their personality. 

Intellectual Quotient

When a child is playing in a group setting, they adapt a few things. Now, if they are the navigator, they are automatically practicing their leadership skills and coming up with different ideas to get their team to win the task. Here, the child’s mental focus is tested. 

95% of a child’s brain gets developed by the age of 5, and hence, the child needs to be in an environment where their mind receives frequent stimulations, and a playground justifies the role very well!

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