How Would You Know If Your Mattress is Detrimental?

Not every mattress is made up of equal expertise and a few of them harm your health. The major setbacks remain in the chemical off-gassing. So if you are worried about how unhealthy your current mattress is, follow the article thoroughly. Here is everything listed that you need to consider while you evaluate your mattress or buy a new one.

Chemical off-gassing

This is a very big issue that affects health massively. Although this is not a very common issue with organic latex mattresses, it can be prevalent in memory foam or synthetic foam mattresses. The synthetic mattresses that are made up of polyurethane have chemicals like flame retardants, formaldehyde, and benzene mixed within them. Longer exposure to these might lead to diseases like cancer, infertility, and developmental brain disorders.

Symptoms and risks

Memory foams have a major chunk of isocyanates present in them. They also make up a part of the composition of polyurethane foams, thermoplastic elastomers, spandex fibres, and polyurethane paints. There are multiple health risks associated with direct contact with isocyanates. There might be symptoms of itchy and sore throats, skin, nose as well as eye irritation. There might be chest tightness felt followed by difficulty in breathing.

Besides these, there have been extensive reports of symptoms that were evident when individuals came in prolonged contact with flame retardant chemicals.

How to choose the right mattress?

When you have already understood how detrimental your current mattress is, change it as soon as possible. Consider these points before getting a new one:

  • Certifications- These certifications would assure if the mattresses are natural, organic, or inorganic. Your primary decision can be driven by these facts.
  • Materials- The mattress will have information about how it is composed. You will get a detailed idea about the compositions and knowledge about what is detrimental for you.
  • Longevity- A mattress cannot be bought after every 5 years. So buying a product that is worth it should be the goal. Reading the product description is hence very necessary.

Removing the old

In course of buying the new one, have you ever wondered what to do with your old mattress? Companies take the old ones to process and recycle them and make new products out of the same. Hence, it is wise to either donate them or give them for recycling.

Recyc-Matelas is the best solution for recycling your old mattresses, conventionally.

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