How to Be a Successful Adult when You Don’t Know if You’re on the Right Track

No matter how hard we try to avoid it, there are a lot of expectations thrust upon us even at an early age. Your parents want you to grow up happy, but they also want your bank account to have a lot of zeroes. They want you to end up happily married and with kids, but they don’t warn you about the costs all those things incur. By the time you reach your late twenties without a house or a family of your own, you start to wonder if you’re on the right track.

When you get to this point, ask yourself the following questions:

Do you earn enough for your living expenses?

First on your list of checks when you’re a working adult is whether you’re earning enough for your living expenses. This doesn’t take into account your spending on wants; this is just whether you can cover your expenses for food, shelter, and other necessities. If you have this covered, you are on the right track, but you can make some improvements. Maybe you need a better job or a part-time job, or perhaps you need to think about your food spending. These are improvements you can slowly work on.

Do you earn enough for a comfortable lifestyle?

After you have subtracted your living expenses and savings, what remains? Is there enough to spare on a trip or a new pair of shoes? Can you buy your sunscreen for acne prone skin while also getting a luxurious face mask? If you have enough for this, this means you have money you can use in a smarter way. Consider investing rather than spending on one-time luxuries. As your money compounds over time, you can spend the interest.

Do you have enough time for your hobbies?

Money is not the only indicator of success. You should also feel fulfilled at the end of the day, and when you look back on your life, there should be a lot of fun mixed in between work. Hobbies help enrich your life and give you a chance to recharge after a long week. If you don’t know your hobbies, observe what you gravitate towards when you have free time. Do you love reading? Do you like looking at works of art? Do you enjoy tinkering with appliances? There is no right or wrong hobby–it can be anything that ignites passion in you.

How do you spend your free time?

Take away the hours when you’re asleep and when you’re working. What are you doing when time is on your hands? If you spend most of it lounging around or daydreaming, this is idle time you can use to improve your life on your own terms. Learn a new skill or take a language class. Draw, doodle, or journal. Get to know new people online. Practice speaking in public. Or change your unhealthy sleeping patterns. All of these will nurture your self and help you become more aware of your emotions and feelings. When you are aware, it’s easier to ask yourself if you’re happy and if you feel successful.

There is no single definition of success. Don’t take another person’s word for it. If you are happy and content with your life, you’re already successful regardless of what they say. However, you can always leave room for self-improvement.

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