A Guide on ROHS: What is it and What is its Need?

Governments all across the world have, time and again, come up with various environmental laws to not just protect nature but also the health of fellow human beings. One such law that’s extremely strict (important too) is the ROHS law. It means Restriction of hazardous substances. If you’re someone who produces and manufactures electrical and electronic devices and machines, this law is something you must know about. Dive in to find out more! 

What’s the Need for ROHS?

Well, for some manufacturers, it’s not an obligation, it’s the law. For example, if you manufacture household devices, professional and medical devices and tools, and monitoring instruments, there’s no escape but to comply. 

For some like the military and aerospace, it’s more of a sort of moral duty to protect the environment by limiting the use of substances that are listed hazardous under ROHS. 

What does ROHS Insist on Limiting? 

There are certain heavy metals like phthalates, Mercury, lead, and cadmium that are extremely toxic to the environment and human health. These are the kinds of substances that ROHS tries to minimize. Then, there are some other substances that include plastics like PBBs and PBDEs. These substances cannot be recycled. It means, once they’re out in the open, they’ll remain so. 

Now, imagine the amount of waste that’s produced and the kind of damage that it can do. Hence, the ROHS compliance law. 

Why Hire Experts?

Here we finally address the elephant in the room – what good can experts do that you can’t do on your own? 

  1. Experts can audit and teach your staff how to audit, monitor, and even regulate the supply chain. 
  2. Once you’ve got experts for the task, they contact the suppliers and ask for the list of substances that are used in the production of your goods. 
  3. Here’s the best part of having experts – the government keeps adding and omitting new substances to the ROHS list and experts are always updated. Hence, they’re the best people to point out if any substance is exceeding the set limit. 

Are all Experts the Same?

This is an obvious question since people expect that they’ll get what they pay for and what’s promised. Sadly, it doesn’t happen in the ideal world. So, no! All experts are not the same! 

Some firms like Enviropass have an exceptional edge of experience that others don’t. These are the pros you want on your side of the panel. Such firms also offer many packages to make things affordable for everybody. So, no matter the size of your business, you’ll still be able to afford all the necessary services. 

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